Mar 13, 2006


Honestly, at my age, i hardly think of myself as Mr. Right... I could be that guy... just not at this point in time... Im more of a Mr. Right NOw... It's all about having fun... This is the time of my life where Im enjoying being single... Being straight to the point... I mean having casual encounters... Yeah, I believe in true love... i'd like to believe that all of us do... But if it's not right now, i would not deprive myself of the fun and cool experiences that these things bring to people... I know this will raise some eyebrows, but if you think of it, Im right in a way...

Im not writing this to justify my being active sexually... And just to make it clear, Im not very active when it comes to that... All im saying is that there is nothing wrong with being with other people while you haven't found the right one... There are a lot of people who go through a lot of boyfriends or girlfriends before they met the ONE... In this day and age, it's quite rare to find a couple who hasn't done IT at one point in time in their relationship... im like that... Honestly speaking, its good practice...

Now when you think you find the right one... And when you tell them about your past... If that person really loves you, then he or she will accept you whatever past you have... Of course you have to make it known that that person IS and WILL BE the LAST PERSON you will be with in your life... Give her the assurance that you will be loyal to that relationship, for as long as you are together...

My time to do that hasn't come yet... Eventually it will... But right this time... I will settle for being MR RIGHT NOW

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