Mar 8, 2006


Let's talk about nothing... and when i say nothing, I mean anything under the sun... Its really a miracle that i can post now from work... normally this site is blocked by our very competent IT people... Hopefully I wont get demoted because of this... Ive been barely a month as the campaign's back-up supervisor, and i dont want to give up on it right away... Oh by the way, I got promoted to this position about three weeks ago...

I went to Batangas over the weekend to celebrate 2 years of making annoying calls to Wolverine's kababayans... Can you imagine that... I lasted TWO years in one campaign... let alone one company... Well, this IS only my second job... And to think ive been ranting and bitching about leaving this company for over a year now... They've given me a reason to stay for at least a few more weeks or months...

So the Batangas trip... yeah, its given me some back pains from swimming without stretching first... but it was great fun... we did our little version of The Amazing Extra Challenge and Bring It On... yep, people got their money's worth on phones and digital cameras... I believe over a thousand pictures were taken that two days we were there...

It seems that there is SOMETHING that i can talk about right now... Huh, who'd have thought... I hope that this downtime with websense happens often...

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