Mar 19, 2006


nOt Really feEling thE season Yet... But it Is HERE!!! SUmmer!!! UnlikE lasT year, i hAve a feEling thAt thIs iS gOing tO be a qUIEt sUmmEr... Of cOUrsE im hOping that it will not be so... I would LikE to trAveL thiS yEAr... that wouLd be a GrEAt ActIvitY for this yEAR... Let mE see...

- SomeOne's gEttIng mArriEd this yEAR... and Im one of the entOurAge...
- hOpe thE plAns to go to Puerto GalerA push through thiS yEAR...
- i hAve plAns tO gO OuT oF the cIty moRe... hOpe mY pLanS worK oUt...
- suMMer MovIeS... X3... Superman Returns... Charlotte's Web... DaVinci Code...
- sOme sUmmEr lovin' wOULd not HurT...
- Im eXpecTing a LOT oF wOrK this sUmmeR thouGh...
- and thEn theRe's thE cOmiC Events... CivIl War for MArvel... PlanEt HUlK...
- tHis Year i hoPe Ill be aBle to go bAck tO BagUio... haven't been there in oveR 10 yEaRs...

I reaLLy aM nOt plaNNing thAt mUch thiS yeAr beCausE i havE a jOb and not a lifE...

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