Oct 2, 2009


Social networking sites are just some of the better ways to catch up with old friends. And Engel's got plenty of them. So naturally, he is addicted. He has one account in probably most of the popular social networking sites: Facebook, friendster, myspace, hi5 and even on plurk.

There's something about this sight that Engel sees interesting that's why he's constantly visiting or even staying on these sites whenever he's online (and that's all the time). Some of them, he's more interested in the applications more than his friend's updates.

This begs the question though, what's with social networking sites that makes people come back?

Engel does have his reasons. Some of them sentimental, others just shallow. In keeping with letting the world know who he is (even if the world is not interested), he decided to tell his readers why he often comes back to these sites.

UPDATES. Because Engel's schedule prevents him from having a social life these days, he uses facebook to be constantly updated with his good friends. Information comes in fast these days, and it seems cellphones and sms are becoming outdated. Through facebook, he finds out who got married, who got knocked up, who finally outed himself and who broke up with whom. People tend to open up their lives through these sites, and that's a good thing. It's just sometimes, people tend to share too much information. Come on, who really wants to know that you have period today?

CHATROOM. With facebook, communicating becomes so much easier. This is faster than sms and cheaper than phone calls. The chat application makes it easier to talk to relatives from abroad. This is the best place to catch up with high school friends you haven't spoken with in a long time.

TIME WASTER. Once upon a time, Engel got so addicted to Restaurant City, he forgot how to sleep. Facebook got banned at his office because people tend not to work because they were so busy playing Pet Society, Mafia Wars and lately Farmville or Farm Town and Barn Buddy. If Engel's waiting on something, he'd just open Facebook and open these applications and he'll be fine.

STALKING. Engel's got alot of crushes, and this is how he finds out what kind of person his crush is. He really reads that person's personal information, friend's testimonials, and even updates by the guy. He's shy, so he normally don't add those people up. But once he gets to talk to that person, or got to know him a little, he wouldn't hesitate to ask for that guy's email address or full name to add on either friendster or facebook.

VOYEUR. Honestly, Engel cannot look at people's pictures for long periods of time. Unless it's a picture of his crush or a picture of someone good looking. Specially if there are pictures of half naked men in the album. That's why he loves myspace, he could freely search people like him in that site. And most of the guys he finds there have pictures he likes.

Social networking sites are stress relievers for Engel. Keeps him occupied from the worries of natural calamities, stupid co-workers and having no budget for gimmicks. Having no time to go out and have a social life, this is his alternative.

So, do you have facebook?


  1. Well, you know how I feel about Facebook.

    *pokes engel*

  2. Awesome!Ü You're super maximizing Facebook. Genius ang mga nakaisip sa kanya.

  3. Facebook yeah. It consumes most of my time. When I wake up, Facebook. Before I go to sleep, Facebook. Haha!

  4. I not of such.

    *sends a filipino food gift to engel*


  5. My favorite is the tag feature...no, wait, the quizzes, no wait, the status updates... :-p JK

    Let's just say, facebook takes up a HUGE chunk of my time, without my meaning it to.

    and in some weird way, people always seem to look nicer in facebook...as opposed to fs. (but that's just me.)

  6. ' FB nah nga lang ako.. it's been a year since I left FS and multiply, hirap i-manage.. so y FB? coz of AllSpark, my pet in petsoc.. ehe

  7. kuya, i have one..add mo ako, dali!erick frago lang kuya..hehehe

  8. Underutilized ang facebook ko eh. Ehehehe.

  9. Facebook taught me to speak about what I do in third person. lols.

  10. darating din sa point na magsasawa ang tao sa facebook just like sa nangyari sa friendster.

  11. I deleted my facebook because I got annoyed with all the people buying their friends and all the application updates. My networking sites that remained are twitter, planetromeo and pinoyg4m.

    Just sharing :)

  12. jay: i don't have any of the accounts you have. i like facebook, i just turn off the update reminders.

    metamorphosis: ang fs naman nakakasawa kasi walang magawa doon. i agree na magsasawa mga tao dun, but it will be a long time pa siguro. unless a better sns comes along.

    xall: this blog taught me how to do that =D

    knox: ayos lang yan.

    period: naku, di pa ata ako ready magcross yung straight world ko tsaka tong mundo na 'to. yaan mo, iadd din kita.

    jedi: i don't know pero nagsawa nako maglaro ng petsoc. although sabi nila maganda na daw siya ngayon.

    sonia: not sure, but what i do know is i like fb more.

    ew: =)

    john carl: there was a time that i was like that too. pero sa office almost half of my day, nakabukas yun. =)

    russ: no naman. di nga ako makapagupdate ng pictures dun.

    rudeboy: well, differents strokes for different folks.

  13. don't have one, thus, I am anti-social

  14. i only have my plurk and facebook left.

    i left twitter a year ago, myspace 2-3 years ago and friendster a few months ago.

  15. horaay! for farmville and farmtown. and just recently, cafe world. these apps are really helpful in killing time in the office. i thank their creator from the bottom of my heart.

  16. medyo nerdy.. i think stuff like this is part of expressing ourselves, while contributing to global warming hehehe

  17. dabo: how does facebooking contribute to global warming? hmmmm

    maxwell: cafe world. have a couple of invites for that. maybe i'll try that out.

    jerick: ok

    dom: you? anti social? really now?

  18. meron din ako ganyan. dami ko nakukuha clients from those sites. ;)

  19. engel
    10 October 2009 00:07
    ni minsan di ko pa napapanuod yang movie na yan. actually lahat ng movie sa listahan mo di ko pa napapanuod. =)

