Jan 26, 2009


Allow me to geek out one more time, I don't usually do this alot anymore, write comic book stuff. Honestly, the reason for this is because for a time last year, I stopped purchasing comics on a weekly basis because I was pretty much jobless. But since I have a nice-paying job again, I thought to restart buying my one and only vice. Although now I'm not buying as much as I did before. Just some titles that I think are worth my money and are really interesting. Mostly Marvel stuff.

DARK REIGN, this is the current direction Marvel is headed right now. This storyline explores the Marvel Universe that's being headed by Norman Osborn aka the Green Goblin. After the Skrull almost succeeded in invading our planet, the outgoing President gave the guy the power to police the planet. Apparently, it was Osborn who made the killshot on the leader of the shapeshifting aliens. So now it's a brand new albeit darker day on 616 earth. To make things worse, Osborn has put together a cabal of Marvel's most sinister evil leaders including the King of Latveria, Doctor Doom, the new kingpin of New York, The Hood, Namor the Sub-Mariner, the trickster god, Loki and the current queen of all mutants Emma Frost, the White Queen.

Who wouldn't be interested in that? I mean come on!!! Excluding Frost, most of these people are truly badass. And they are the new rulers of earth. A lot of possibilities would come out of that plot alone. I'm so looking forward to see how they'll stab each other in the back.

Here's my pull list...

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN: the current storyline is called World's Most Wanted. It's Tony Stark's fall from grace, and eventually his redemption. After Civil War, Tony was given the keys to the kingdom and was the head of the planet's security, but failed miserably. Now, Osborn is doing everything to get his greedy hands on the Super Hero Registration list, and it's inside Tony's head. With Norman having all the resources to have Tony's head in the platter, including turning Iron Man into the world's most wanted man, I'm so excited to find out what he'll do to evade the long arms of Osborn's law.

WAR OF KINGS: Not only earth is facing a dark new day after the Skrull invasion. Even the cosmic universe is not safe. The Skrulls really screwed with the Inhumans that's being lead by Blackbolt, and he's had enough. They were created to be the ultimate weapons, and now they're going to be what they were made for. And that actually means they'll have to go through Emperor Vulcan's plans for expanding the Shiar empire. Yeah, that's the stuff that make legends. I'm currently picking up The Guardians Of the Galaxy title.

NEW AVENGERS: Yeah, I dropped a lot of the Avenger's titles after my monetary problems before, but I'm keeping this one. This is the title that actually got me hooked in the current Marvel Universe in the first place. I'm actually intrigued with the current storyline... In the end of the invasion, Luke Cage and his wife Jessica found out that Jarvis the butler is really a Skrull. And he's the one taking care of their daughter and he inevitably took off with their child. Plus, there's a new Sorcerer Supreme, and he's not Dr. Strange, and it's in this title where we'll find out who it's going to be. Good stuff.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: The whole Red Skull saga took about 40+ issues, and 2 Captain America's to get resolved, and I'm actually looking forward to reading new stuff and new enemies for the current Cap. Batroc the Leaper just made a comeback, and he's a little bit more menacing now than he ever was (the guy's really goofy, so this is cool). Bucky Cap's on his way to China now to retrieve the corpse of his old teammate the original Human Torch to stop the bad guys from turning him into a living weapon or much worse. It's a Brubaker penned title, so I'm expecting it to be really awesome!!!

X-FACTOR: Siryn and Multiple Man's baby is already born, but something tragic has happened and it will truly drive a wedge between all the members of Madrox's X-Factor Investigations. As much as I want to give out spoilers about this title, the writer plead for everyone to not go online and tell the whole story. It's really tempting to do it, but I'll honor Mr. David's wishes. 2008 wasn't really a good year for the title, but with the current storyline and the latest issues twists, there's no other way to go for this series but up. I love this comics.

THUNDERBOLTS: Andy Diggle took over the writing duties for this team since November, and this series just got better. It's no longer the Colorado's saviours as half of the team joined the new Dark Avengers, and the other half are either dead and/or disposed of. The Thunderbolts are now a team of assassins, thieves and mercenaries doing the bidding of none other than Norman Osborn. I'm not really familiar with Diggle's work, but from what I've seen the last 3 issues, I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy the ride with him steering the wheels for Thunderbolts.

In the next few weeks I'll also be adding Daredevil and Mighty Thor to my pull lists as they both have intriguing storylines coming. In Daredevil (which I'm currently collecting via trades), Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin makes a comeback. And in Thor, we'll find out what the real plan of Loki really is for the new Asgard and his half brother Thor.

Again, I don't have that many titles at the moment to collect as I'm saving money to buy a new Xbox 360 and hopefully a PS3 by the end of the year. Hopefully. I think I've already saved enough to buy me one soon.


  1. Man, the last issue of Thunderbolts is awesome. I loved that a lot.

  2. eeeeeeeh, hindi ako makarelate. :P

  3. waaaah! puro nemesis lang? for sure, as you've said, they'll stab each others backs. haha. sounds exciting. sino ang magbibida sa mga villains nyaha.

  4. skron: me too!!! astig ni Norman Osborn, kung di lang siya kontrabida, idol ko siya!!!

  5. yoshke: sensya naman, minsan lang ako magpakageek sa blog ko eh... hehehe

  6. gravity: for sure si Emma Frost yan.. ano kaya ibig sabihin nun for the dwindling mutant population... hmmm...

  7. bisyo din ba to?
    hehehe lols

  8. ang mahal naman ng bisyo mo.

  9. bawas na yan... dati umaabot ng 5000 a month ang gastos ko sa comics.. ngayon, hopefully, di nako gastos over 1k.

  10. ...usapang comic book bah... hehe... nde koh na binasa ha.. nde ren akoh makakarelate... devaleh pag luv story moh nah... kahit gano kahaba pah yan.. pagpupuyatan koh.. lolz... mag-Hi na lang muna akoh... salamat sa pagdaan daan... GODBLESS! -di

  11. hehe okay lang, pero yung tungkol sa luv story ko... mukhang matagal tagal pang mailalathala yun...

  12. aysowz.. pano moh naman nalaman na matagal pah... malay moh bukas ayan nah... u never know... hehe.. nakisabat lang... =) have a nice day... Godbless! -di

  13. I really hope Siryn rips out Madrox's head off after what happened in X-Factor. Argh.

    Kaya pala sabi ko bakit parang walang fuzz over the 2nd mutant birth... Tsk, tsk.

    Anyhow, I love the Dark Avengers. Astig. Hahaha. But I love the Cabal more especially Emma's role. I think with the help of Namor they can topple down Norman Osborn sooner or later.

    And Wanda's back! Wee!

  14. makmak: Me too I think Emma and Namor's gonna screw these guys over... isali mo na rin si Victor who has his own agenda. Hay, Marvel's a great place to be in right now.

  15. Tell me about it. Hahaha. I'm staring dreamy-eyed at the pages of X-Force. Wee!

    I'm in my little piece of heaven right now. Hahahaha.
