Jun 29, 2006


Yep, I've seen it already... Im one of those guys who have to see the film on the first day of showing... Im not geeking out or anything like that... Its just that I had high expectations for the movie (being the comic book geek that I am)...

Boy, was I disappointed!!!

Don't take this the wrong way, the film was good... It's just that it seemed to me that it's more for children than for the general viewing public... Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this because I'm a Marvel boy (my favorite superhero comic books are Batman Begins and Batman Returns)... It's just that, it lacked something... I don't know what... But there was nothing there... for me at least... I'm pretty sure that people will hate me for this... I really did not enjoy the movie... I guess if I were six years old, then it would be different...

THe story... Superman left the earth to visit his home planet of Krypton... When he comes back 5 years after, Earth is different in more than what he expected... everyone's changed...lois has a son... it seems that Earth does not need a Superman anymore... But then there's Lex Luthor... Like any comic book villain, he's up to no good... And he holds a weapon that can decimate the entire US eastern seaboard...

Pretty much meh for me... Nothing that gave me goosebumps, or made me squirm on my seat... The twist in the film didn't even do anything for me... To sum it up, pretty much predictable... Nothing special or new or groundbreaking or anything about the movie... Maybe my fault, because I expected too much from the director of X-men and X2... Very disappointing...



  1. i agree that it is not as much as what we all expect in a movie like superman, right? we all thought that if US will make a superman movie, it will definitely be the best of all best! more than xmen and all marvel movies combined. you are right... its disappointing. but for me, i guess they are just introducing superman again since this generation no longer recognize superman as superman in the person of Christopher Reeves. this generation knows SMALLVILLE or LOIS AND CLARK (dean cain). for all we know, it was really not the deal, this is the real deal. this one with Brandon. and i Salute the producer and the director for taking the risk and investing so much money just to reintroduce Superman once more... so much money just to prepare for part2! hahaha! imagine with Superman with his son on Part2... or maybe after that Superman with Batman,.. and after that with SuperFriends ( Justice League of this Generation) and then after that Justice League Vs Xmen! ... did your imagination reached that? im just so excited! can anyone pay me for this suggestion? hahaha!

  2. I agree... nice suggestions... but justice league vs x-men... err... i think the x-men will have their asses handed to them... and me being an x-fan don't want that... The film is okay, what bothers me though is the fact that Supes has a son... That would work in comics, but in the film... with that particular kind of story... I don't think so. I think the problem with Superman is that he's too super that you can't really create a compelling story about him... The movie tried to make him seem more human, but we can never take away the fact that he isn't... that's the problem with superman... Am I making a point?
