Jun 25, 2006


LACK OF SLEEP: this is what you get watching 7 consecutive episodes of the second season of Lost. Because of my schedule, lately, i haven't been up-to-date with my favorite television show of the moment... But my boss provided me a copy of the entire 2nd season of this program, so now Im catching up on all of the episodes that I haven't seen....

Im halfway through the season, and Im telling you, this show... much better seen together than an episode per week... Hence my lack of sleep... I feel too bad for Shannon, as she was the only hottie of the program... They had to kill her at the beginning of the season... I felt that the death was senseless... But it doesn't necessarily drag down the show... In fact, the new characters are really interesting... Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko are very good additions to the cast...

Season 2 basically tackles what happened with the survivors of the Oceanic flight to LA... what was in the hatch... who the new people are... what happened to Sawyer, Jin, Michael and Walt... What Sayid will be doing now that the love of his life is dead... And what the hell is wrong with Jack, Kate and Locke?! This is a very good show, much like my favorite comic books... Its got intrigue, action, drama, suspense and that creepy-looking black fog...

I dont know if what Im writing makes any sense to you... Im typing blindly as my brain is not functioning really well today... Im quite slow... Blame it on Lost... At least now, I've got something to do when Im not working... And then next week, during our very long vacation, I will be watching marathon episodes of Prison Break... Ive been hearing a lot of good reviews about it, so Im curious, I hope it lives up to my expectations...

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