Jun 13, 2006


If I am living in the United States, I'd be branded a loser... Why? Technically, I still live with my parents...

What's with the technically? My relationship with my parents is a bit complicated... They are not separated (I would like to believe that they are happy with each other)... But anyway, to make things simple, they live in another house, and me on my own... Thing is, they own the house... So technically, I still live with my parents... Nevertheless, they've been squatting in my place for like three months already... and Im only home just to sleep and take a bath...

This weekend (actually, Ive been contemplating about this for months already), I realized that I really needed to live on my own... there are a lot of thigs that I need to do, that my parents don't need to know... Just so you know, even without my parents, the place I live in, I share with my grandmother (and she's one really nosy person!!! But don't get me wrong, I love the old bird)...

I would like to be independent for once... Far away from people who know me since I was a kid... Far away from people who would report to my parents every single movement that I make... Id like to be free for once... And of course, i would want to see something new... or some new faces... A condominium in the urban area would be nice... Hmmm... how much would a unit there cost? Millions...

Give me ten years... I will have one by then...

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