Jun 11, 2006


Since most of the schools will start this week, I will pay homage to them... err... schools... I've been out of one for more than three years already, and am proud to say that I did good after... I got promoted early on, and am enjoying the perks of yuppihood (see you learn new terms reading my blogs)... But right now, its not about work and the office... its about school... specifically COLLEGE!!!

Unlike most people in the planet, I enjoyed college more than my high school... Part of it is because I was more popular then than when i was in hs... and I was smarter too... I received medals when i was in college... back in my secondary education, the only medal i got was a loyalty medal... but in college, it was for something i did... a trophy, if you must... Suffice it to say, I was more involved... And i had more friends (too bad though, I don't get to talk to them anymore)...

Anyway, back to the topic at hand... college... Those were four good years of my life... Some of the most interesting people I met, I met during these four years... And I've had a lot of
(mis)adventures during these times... starting with...

ROAD TRIP: Of course now you'll have classmates who drives their own cars, so this is a given... My first one was on my first year... we had a project... and it's about getting to know your peers more... and for us to be able to do that, we have to go out-of-town... We've had none of those wacky moments that you'll see in the movies, but we did have fun though, and we got to know each other very well... the people who were with me during that road trip, were the people i hung out with for the rest of my college life... so it was cool...

TERM PAPERS/THESIS/DEFENSE: I know I hated this part of my tertiary life... its the sweat-inducing, sleep-depriving, and most mind-fucking thing a student MUST go through... I don't think college will be complete if you didn't go through this... and if you didn't go through that... WHAT FRIGGIN' SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO?! Im a nerd (a cool nerd) back when I was a student... but i loved doing this... in a way, I learned to talk to people with authority because of these... Im a slow-thinker, but doing these helped improve my debating abilities (if I have any... I'd still lose if I join a contest)... and my social skills as well...

NIGHTLIFE: This is the time of my life wherein my schedule allows me to have a nightlife... school ending at 9pm most of the time... although my click don't go out that much after school, i still am able to enjoy what the best bars in Makati had to offer... Dont get me wrong, i dont go out that much, BUT there are times wherein you just need to chill even for awhile... Those are rare moments... precious and few...

MONEY: I may be as bad as DAMIEN (for those not in the know, he's the boy from Omen), but im not the type who overprice my tuition fee... My educational plan pays half of my tuition fee, so I can't cheat on that... anyway, my money i get from my parent's pockets... or for my case, our business... I miss not having to worry about where I will get my money, because during college I can easily depend on my parents... Unlike now of course, having a bi-weekly salary... If I don't have anymore money, Ill just tell my parents about some made-up project for a non-existent subject and voila, instant cash to splurge on comic books... but now... 'sigh.'

I'd like to write some more, but then again, a family member might chance upon this site and i don't have deniability... this site being advertised on my friendster and all that... I miss college, but not that much...

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