Jun 17, 2010


The one thing that put a smile on my face whenever I open this blog while I was still in the 'I-quit-this-blog' phase was that it's still generating hits and new followers. Granted that once upon a time I think I was writing posts that kinda appealed to a particular niche, the last few posts have been a bit offensive to some people.

Anyway, since my return I've noticed the people who've been visiting me or leaving comments on my posts are new names, new faces that I haven't met before, I thought maybe it's time I reintroduce myself to people who don't know me.

A few bits about the author of this little home.
  • This is my 7th home on the blogosphere, but only my 2nd active blog. The other one is written mostly in Filipino and caters to a different set of blog friends.
  • I work night shifts for one of the world's biggest companies first as a customer service person, but now a sort of IT person. Sort of. It's difficult to explain.
  • Contrary to popular belief, I am not a flirt. I'm just friendly. And I'm also suplado. I have walls that need to be broken down.
  • I once had a relationship with a fellow blogger, that didn't end well. So now, I decided bloggers are better off as friends.
  • I am a homebody. I don't go out to parties, unless it's an intimate (not sexual-intimate but intimate-intimate) type of hanging out.
  • The reason for above is mostly because I tend to not talk when I'm hanging out with more than three people. It's weird but my mouth automatically shuts up when more than three people are with me.
  • I'm a geek. I can stay in my room for one whole weekend just watching dvd's, playing video games, reading my comic books or just sleeping. Sometimes I wear glasses, and I own quite a number of checkered polos.
  • I like talking about myself in my blogs. Narcissus is my best friend.
  • I own a pet parrot, and there've been a few bloggers who've already petted (is this a word?) it.
  • I always cry whenever I watch a dog movie.
  • My longest relationship was with a girl (8 months). After that my relationships had a deadline (1 month), which I'm working really hard to break with my current one. Thankfully, the partner is just as committed to this as I am.
There you go. Some bits about me.


  1. i want to see that parrot. anong color nun?

  2. ako din..can i talk to the parrot?hehe

    anyway thanks for this!nice knowing you a little more..

  3. Good to know you, somehow. Have a great one!

  4. twas nice to meet you, kaya pala tahimik mo nun hehe at pagod pala from work : D

  5. Something tells me you will be telling all again.

    Good to know your back Engel.

    Good to know.

  6. Welcum back engel! (feeling close lang hahaha)...can't wait to read all your blogs ;-)

  7. some stuff I didn't know before. :)

    Welcome back :)
