Mar 8, 2010


So I told myself that this year, I will try to expand my circle of friends. Meet more people. Socialize, I guess is the right term.

I didn't have any other means to do meet-ups with other people, as I don't have an account with the dating sites (which for me seems more of a booking site). So I decided to talk to those who post means to communicate with outside their respective blogs.

Those who display their emails or ym id's on their blogs. Or those who have taken the initiative to chat me up.

One thing I have learned is that alot of bloggers I know got disappointed when I didn't write about them on one of my posts. The ones who I wanted to meet. I knew that coming in, but I didn't realize that it affected some people more than I thought it would. So I'm sorry for that. Anyway, it doesn't necessarily mean that I don't want to meet those people. Because if I write all of them down, I might as well just name everyone on my Daily Reads List or those I follow. But still, my apologies for not being too considerate.

Anyway, after about 7 months of blogging here, I've finally chatted or texted or spoke with quite a number of people I consider blog friends already. And this post is to write about my impressions about them. No names though, since "the who" posts are popular these days.

Latest person I got to chat with. Just today actually. Although I added him up I think a few days ago. Was actually surprised he accepted the request. Thought of him as the type who ignore no-namers like myself. Had that perception of good-looking bloggers. Was more surprised at how pleasant our conversation was. Did not expect him to be perky, as some of the posts I read from his blog were kinda sad, or emo, or melancholic. Did not expect to chat with a happy person. And a welcoming happy person at that. I have noticed that he's referenced some Gossip Girl style in his writing, but only now did I realize that alot of his posts referenced the show's style. Looking forward to meet this blogger in person, actually. Even if he's not on my list. Hope that happens.

I also just met him today. But he was the one who stalked me. Been an avid fan of his blog, although he doesn't post too much anymore. I think he's busy with school stuff. He's cool. Another person who surprised me alot. As in alot. Specially because he sent me a naked picture of himself (which I did not open because there were alot of people at home). Anyway, I liked this blogger (regardless there was a picture sent or not) because I think he's smart. I enjoyed our conversations over the chatroom or even the phone. It was light. It was pleasant. Something I needed to get over the melancholy I felt over the weekend.

Is the one of the nicest bloggers I know. When I first met him, he was like depressed or sad. I think he almost deleted his blog because of this. Good thing someone made him see the light. I like that he opened up to me even if we only just met. I appreciate the trust he gave me. We don't get to talk alot though, because of our schedules, but he's really nice. He was the first one to point out his disappointment at not being on my list of people I wanted to meet. But then again, I was not in his list of online crushes, so we're even. I do know his online crushes though. But I'm not going to tell. I'm a secret-keeper.

Is a new blogger. Or an old blogger with a new blog. I'm not really sure as he wouldn't tell me what his old blog was. I'm not really that close to the blogger as like I said he's relatively new, but he did say though that I have read his straight blog. I'm not sure. But he's fun to talk to. Although I'm not really sure if we would get along, because we usually run out of things to talk about. It might be that he's working, or that I'm just boring. But yeah, there are dead air moments when we talk. But his profile picture in YM seemed inviting. Not that I'm looking for a hook-up or anything, because this is not the right venue. I'm just saying.

I've been reading his blog for quite awhile now. I think since I started this one. I was actually scared at first to chat him up as he seems to be the type of person that I would never get along with. He SEEMED loaded, and tactless and for awhile thought he could be a bully. What with the comments he often leaves in my posts. Was surprised that he actually wasn't. And that he knows alot about me. What I look like, etc. Someone spilled the beans about me!!! It doesn't matter. The conversation was kinda fun. I still think he's LOADED. But the tactless thing, I think he's doing that for fun and not to insult people. He's kinda likeable, really. I'm not sure though, as we've only talked once.

I'm feeling really guilty forgetting about this blogger. Ever since he has been really nice to me, even if he doesn't leave his two cents in my posts. He's even named this blog as one of his favorites of last year, and he still hasn't been in my bloglist. Yeah, I know I'm such an ass. Regardless, I like this blogger, even if I don't know him that well, I am sure we have one thing in common, the school we came from. So there's that. And I think he's the next person I'll meet, if only to pick up my birthday gift from him. Yeah, I know. I'm a jerk.

Well, these are just my first impressions. And they do tend to change after awhile. But we'll see.


  1. sino si blogger 2 pakilala mo sakin...

  2. Ayan! May "da who" na naman! haha

    Mapagpiyestahan nga! haha

  3. nakakaintriga naman! bat ba nauuso ang mga da who? haha

    feeling ko kilala ko si blogger one. lately ko lang din siya nakausap kahit na taon ko na siyang binabasa.

  4. na curious tuloy ako sa mga blogger na yan!ako ala pa nami meet na blogger kahit isa LOL!

  5. at least consistent ka na gentleman don't kiss and tell =)

  6. lol. hayay, really sorry, it was supposed to be a joke. haha ;)

  7. blogosphere is a wide fishpond na kahit may el nino, walang fishkill na magaganap! haha

  8. medyo nahihilig ka sa mind boggling things ngayun ah.

  9. i have to agree. blogger no. 3 is nice. *waves at ______*


    as to his crushes? hmmm....

  10. Glad you're expanding your circles. Ayos yan. :)

  11. hmmmm napapaisip ko sa mga bloggers na yan? =D i can only guess one hehehe

  12. Glad to see you've been opening yourself up to new experiences, and slowly expanding a circle of your own. This is good Engel.

    Often, as most bloggers would profess, anonymity is a prime commodity online. It affords us a certain discretion as to the sort of persona we prefer to portray or expound to our readers. And often too, people think they know you from your blog. This is not always the case.

    Choose your friends, there are a lot of intelligent and sincere bloggers out there, they may not always be the type to comment as often or post as spontaneously. But they read you, and they get it.

  13. sabi ko na eh,,,ang blogworld ang magiging bagong G4m hehehe

  14. @justine: honga ano? haha

    @engel: Go Mr. Congeniality! =)

  15. Lumingat lang saglet, tapos malalaman kong ganyan ka na agad??? Hahaha...

    Collect, collect and then CTRL+A na lang para masaya... hohoho.

  16. whats with you and two cents? LOL

  17. @herbs: ubos na kasi sweldo ko, i only have 2 cents left. lolz.
