Jan 15, 2010


People say that to enjoy one's life, he has to experience everything that it has to offer.

Both the good and the bad.

I've been complaining that I've lived a boring life free of risks and haven't done a lot of taking chances. While on the commute home earlier this morning, I realized I haven't actually been a very good boy. I have done some things that I shouldn't have.

I have done things that let's just say we should do at least once in our lives.

I've done this once. The guy, posted something on those cable text channels a few years ago. It was a good month for me back then. Let's say, I was extremely lucky at work, and got a huge paycheck. I found his post interesting so I texted him. Richard. He really worked me with his text messages, and to be honest I got turned on. So I went to his place and we did it. He was really good. How he delivered was worth more than what I gave him. And it wasn't that much.
But no matter how good the deed was, I never did that again.

To be honest, I never enjoyed phone sex. I never caught on with this. I guess it has to do with the way my first time fell through. The girl was hilarious. She turned on something else in me that night. My funny bone. But I did it. A few times too after that. But it's not that interesting for me. I still go for the real thing.

Oh this one, I did more than once. It's something I always wanted to do before. Do something bad. Something stupid. I've heard alot of hype about smoking weeds. And I've seen how this affected some of my co-workers before. So I was actually excited to know how this would work on me. Unfortunately, the four times I smoked this I felt nothing after. Absolutely nothing. My friends would laugh non-stop. Loses inhibitions. Felt really tired. Got crazy. But me. Nada. Nothing. Made me think if those people were just acting up, because they were high, or I was just really boring.

For a long time, I told myself I've never shoplifted in my life. But then I remembered, I did. A couple of comic books. Accidentally. It was about four or five years ago. I was tipsy back then, I went to Filbars in Glorietta. I asked to check some comic books on the rack. I did pay for two comic books, but I bagged five. So I got three comics for free. My heart was pounding really fast, like it wanted to get out of my chest. It was something I don't want to feel anymore. The guilt was so strong I was willing to bury it down deep in my memory.

In college, we had one professor who likes defying the norm. He was a radical teacher, and we did learn a lot of things from him. He was the cool guy among a flock of conservative professors. So one time, he thought of giving us the answers to his finals exam. Unfortunately, he got caught. And got fired. So as a way of saying fuck you to the system. He found the answer keys to the replacement tests and gave it to us. We denied having gotten hold of the answer key and aced the test. The subject... Theology.

I am an ass sometimes.

But these things. They make my life less boring.


  1. ako rin, before, i wanted to try sumtin bad, like weeds... my reason: i need to be credible when i say: ITS BAD... really stupid eh?

  2. i wouldnt ever pay for sex. even if he was Piolo. okay, if he were Piolo-i just MIGHT.LMFAO

    @phonesex. i call it FUN. its really fun to hear the other guy go moaning and stuff with you faking it.

    @weeds. hehehehehehehe.

    @shoplift. the only thing i ever shoplifted was a couple of extra candies from this bitch from school. yun lang.

    @cheat. youre not human if you havent done this in your life. whatswrongwithchu,nigga. LOL

    i wish my brain was creative enough to create this much meme in a day.

  3. is jutes that bad? not that i'm a pothead but it's herbal! hehe

    ako i wanna try E.

  4. bad engel bad! =D

    i remember the first and only time i had phone sex. hilarious! we never got to finish it though. i was laughing my ass off when he started saying "halikan mo na ako, mwah mwah. oh, cge na patong ka na" ayun, binabaan ako ng phone. nagalit. LOLs

  5. nag shoplift ako ng keychain sa national book store greenhills nung elementary ako para hindi na nila ako tuksuhing geek ng mga classmates ko, sort of an initiation kasi after that naging bad boy na ko

  6. Being naughty is really fun sometimes. As long as it is under control, I guess it's ok.
    I also tried paying for a call girl in one of my boring out-of-town trip doing boring work stuff.. made my trip memorable.

  7. phone sex. i think i am good at that. hahaha!

    it is okay to get out of your comfort zone and do something unexpected of you. there is learning in every experience if you get out of it alive.

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  9. Lol at the shoplift. Maluluge Filbars saten =p

    But i started much earlier than you engel. Back then when we were really poor and i was still a wild kiddo, the time when there were really good freebies (in a kid's perspective) attached on every Milo pack. One time, when i accompanied my mom to the grocery, i detach all those freebie then hid them all inside my tee, tucked in.

    I was caught and spent a good few hours inside the management. That was my first criminal record lol.

  10. I'm tardy to this party, but...

    Goody two-shoes aren't any fun. They sulk in the corner and tell on teacher, the wet blankets.

    I never trust a person who says he hasn't done something bad or naughty at one point in his life. He's either lying, or terribly, terribly boring.

    I'm tickled to see the "Bad" engel.

  11. haha!
    ang kulit, too honest.
    love it!

  12. i love the last sentence'

  13. of course, we all have our bad deeds. its normal. :-)

  14. how true that they make life so much more interesting. haha there isn't anything on this list that i haven't done. i guess i can still claim to be a good person. di naman habitual eh. haha but then again, how many sins do you need to go to hell?

  15. ok lang maging bad. kakapagod din maging good all the time. ako nga pagod na pagod na, I'm planning to be pure evil hehe.

    nice blog btw! :)

  16. same here. i'm not a pothead =) di ko masakyan ang trip. the others, yes! those years =)
