Dec 26, 2009

BEST OF 2009

How time flies, I remember writing this post just hours before the year was about to end, and now I'm writing another Best of post for this year. I was thinking of keeping this as an annual tradition before the year ends, to post the best things I've seen, heard or read for the entire year. I'll add a few new categories for this year as well, just for kicks.

So here's Gillboard's best of 2009

LAST YEAR: The Dark Knight
2009 was a tight race for the year's best movies. Alot of good films came out in 09, and for film freaks like me, it's just exhausting for the wallet. I think even coming up with a runner-up is just as difficult, probably even more. But my basis for choosing this movie (although technically this is an 08 film, but it was only shown here March of this year) is the way it made me feel after watching it. Slumdog Millionaire has the best ending in any movie I have seen. I never imagined ever being excited for an indian movie until I saw this movie. I think it's winning an Oscar this year is proof enough how good this film is.
RUNNER-UP: Up, Star Trek, 500 Days of Summer, Avatar (sorry can't think of just 1 film for this category so I just added it all).

A Very Special Love
I actually only saw 2 Filipino made films this year, and luckily both movies were really good. I think it's fairly obvious what this film is going to be. I don't normally write posts about films I've seen (specially Filipino made movies), but after seeing this movie, I just can't help but write about it. My coño friends tell me I'm jologs for even watching it, but hey, I can't help it, John Lloyd and Sarah have chemistry. The film's cliche, I know but just like Slumdog, you come out of the cinema feeling better about yourself. Less stressed. And somehow, feeling all jittery. Kinikilig in short.

LAST YEAR: Grand Theft Auto IV
2009 wasn't such a big year for gaming. There weren't alot of big releases, as I think videogame companies decided to push their releases until next year, when the recession isn't as hard as this one. But some are smart enough to put out a good game while there's still less competition in the market. Assassin's Creed 2 was one of those released this year that totally kicked ass!!! I love Ezio. I think he's way better than Altair in terms of well, everything. The game being set in renaissance Italy is just perfect. I just love this game. It's easy to pick up and just as fully immerseful like it's predecessor.
RUNNER-UP: Batman: Arkham Asylum

How I Met Your Mother
This year was an easy one. Seeing as not alot of shows performed really well last season, with only a few exceptions, the choice was an easy one. Come on, who wouldn't love this show? High School Musical, this is not. I thought at first, this show was too gay, so I only watch it for the songs. But then a few episodes later, I find myself rooting for Mr. Schue, loving Sue Sylvester, getting irritated at Finn for believing Quinn could get pregnant from a jacuzzi make out session and for hating Terri for what she's doing to her husband. Yeah, I'm a Gleek.
RUNNER-UP: Legend of the Seeker

LAST YEAR: Iisa Pa Lamang
For awhile there, I thought it's going to be Tayong Dalawa, because it was practically the only show I see, because my mom would often wake me up when this show starts. But then later on this year, I find myself rooting for a different love team. One that could surpass the popularity of Kim and Gerald. It's Melason. Yes, Big Brother is back in form. I don't actually care about the rest of the housemates (well, other than Sam of course), but I often automatically wake up early in the afternoon if only to see Melai and Jason torture each other.
RUNNER-UP: Tayong Dalawa

LAST YEAR: Norman Osborn's Dark Reign Begins
There were only a few events this year, so there weren't alot to choose from. But this year my choice is quite simple. During the middle of Osborn's Dark Reign, a riot between mutants and humans exploded in San Francisco, forcing the dwindling number of mutants fighting for their home and their survival. And pitting the X-Men against Norman's Dark Avengers. This event made me go back to reading X-Men again, after I left when Messiah Complex ended. I just don't know what's gonna happen now when almost all of the remaining surviving mutants are all holed up in a floating island they call Utopia.
RUNNER-UP: Iron Man: World's Most Wanted

Until I saw last year's Iron Man movie, I never was really interested in Marvel's Batman. I always thought that Tony Stark was just a cheap Bruce Wayne knockoff, but when a comic book is given to a very capable writer, there's just alot that you can do with this series. This year, I got hooked. Tony Stark, once the world's most powerful man is now the world's most wanted. With the identity of the world's registered heroes in his head, Ironman decides to take it upon himself to remove the information in his head, even if that means he has to give up what made him who he is, his brain. Who wouldn't be intrigued by that?
RUNNER-UP: Secret Warriors

There's only one band this that made me swoon this year, and that's The Script. The Man Who Can't Be Moved which I only heard this year, will certainly be a longtime favorite. I can't help but relate to some of their songs. I can't help but agree when they sang, "when a heart breaks, it don't break even." My LSS for most of the year was If You See Kaye, and I just can't stop putting their cd on my player. It may be emo or anything but you really can't deny what a good music is. And The Script does make very good music.
RUNNER-UP: Glee Soundtrack

President Obama
Another year, another circus-like politics full of violent deaths, and just all around craziness (specially with elections right around the corner). I mean come on, Jamby for President. What the fuck?! Right?! Crazy. But one of the most newsworthy, albeit saddest things that happened in 09 was the passing of former President Cory Aquino. I remember receiving an instant message from Mulong at around 4 in the morning telling me that she's already passed away. I guess the good thing about it is, even if it's only for awhile, the country got united again.
RUNNER-UP: Typhoon Ondoy hit Metro Manila... badly.

LAST YEAR: The Olympics
Okay, I honestly don't like this person. I think he's too overrated. Overexposed. He allows his family to be paraded around like circus freaks. And he's entering politics again. So that sucks. But fine, I give this to him, he is pound for pound the best boxer in the world. And he score two HUGE wins this year. Manny Pacquiao giving one of the best boxing matches against Coto and KOing Ricky Hatton this year are probably the highlights of sports for this year. Too bad he had to drag my crush Krista Ranillo in the circus that is his life.
RUNNER-UP: SEA Games losing it's popularity (sad)

I've been following this blog ever since I found out about the whole blogging thing. Although I don't think this is a blog anymore. I can't help it, everytime I read an article coming from this site, I laugh my ass off. It's really good. The Professional Heckler is the Philippines' John Stewart. It's great stuff. And this year, he was unforgiving. From Mar Roxas to NoyNoy to Gibo Teodoro, no one escapes his wits, and that makes for some of the most entertaining reads. I love this site.
RUNNER-UP: My other blog... hehehe

Happy New Year everyone!!!


  1. Advance hapi new year gilbert...nice review of 2009

  2. nice list, melason talaga hihi

  3. agree.agree.agree.

    slumdog, 500 days of summer, you changed my life at MELASON.
    super like!!!
    super excited for next year!
    gusto ko magfocus sa mga indie films next year!

    happy holidays!


  4. 2009 wasn't such a big year for gaming? What? Dude, you need to get the gamer geek back in you. Because 2009 was BIG in gaming.

    Dragon Age and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 alone were big enough for 2009. I'm really having a hard time putting up my top 9 games for this year. and I'm only a PC gamer

  5. skron: compared to next year and last year... gaming's pretty tame this year..

    gege: hehehe... just realized... hindi pala si jason yung nasa picture!! lolz

    curioscat: haha ganun talaga.. superjologs ako eh.. hehehe

    moks: Happy new year din sayo parekoy!!!

  6. Good way to end the year... I also liked Slumdog, good emding, but if you're talking about the Jai Ho ending, I will have to keep mum (hahaha).

    Glee is feel good I agree with you on choosing this as the best for this year... (Don't stop! Believing!)

    And The Script rules, yes.

  7. amen to your best movies and best tv! :D

  8. slumdog, 500 days, how i met, the script. perfect.

  9. nangangamoy baong taon na talaga

    sorry at ngayon lang nakabisita
    may problema sa wifi

    great to be back here though

  10. rat3r: oo nga... amoy bagong taon na... kelangan ko na maglinis ng kwarto!!! hehehe

    badong: i know, right?!

    scud: yup... favorites ko this year!!!

    glentot: yup.. feel good movie nga yun...

  11. just last night i had the chance to watch glee as i rarely watch tv series. it's nice specially watching it with good friends. mga travel bloggers. hehehe...

    wow! daming best list.

  12. dapat kasama blog ko sa runner up mo ng best on the web... tse! hahahaha

    happy new year!!!!

  13. agree sa best movies. haha, Left 4 Dead 2, ayaw? :D

    happy holidays!

  14. look at this emo hair at this blog

  15. Happy New Year...
    i agree on some things...
    parang ironic lang yung best in news...
    Have a great 2010!!!

  16. wow. i am privileged to be cited by your blog.

    thanks so much for the support.

    i appreciate the inspiring words.

  17. cute page,
    check out the bizarre emo hair

  18. tim: thanks

    heckler: wow, the pleasure is all mine. being visited by a celebrity is an honor indeed!

    ens: i know, dapat pala Most Newsworthy for 09.

    tcf: haven't played it yet. mahal kasi. hehehe

    yj: yaan mo next year. salamat pala sa pagbisita!!!

    dong: kakaadik talaga glee. kahit if only for the music!!!

  19. im back parekoy.

    andaming best best of the best ahhh!
    parang graduation ng Kindergarten.hehe

  20. have to agree about Glee. Definitely the best TV series this year.

    Pero dun sa music, no matter how I love the Script (LSS din yung "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" mula nung narinig ko yun sa Ghost Whisperer), I must say Swift and Gaga are the top two best artists of the year.

    Happy New Year!

  21. happy new year!
