Oct 24, 2009


Once in a man's life, there's a person that will come in, not to make us fall. Not to make us believe that love exist. Not to give us butterflies in our stomachs. But someone who will excite us. Turn us on. Make us do crazy things. Not because we're in love. But because of infatuation. Lust, perhaps. Raging hormones. For Engel, Jason was that person.

It was just the end of Engel's first semester during his last year in college when he met Jason. He was bored doing nothing at home. Back then, cable television chatrooms were getting really popular, specially for boys interested in boys. Engel would often stay up late so he could find a number that he could text just to see if someone interesting would come along.

When he sends his number to the show, he often gets hordes upon hordes of text messages looking for hook-ups, phone games invites and desperate old gays willing to pay for Engel's services (not that he was asking for one). But he'd turn them all down. Because back then, he was still naive, and he was actually hoping to find 'the one' through that channel.

There were those who are decent and nice when you text them, but when you finally get to speak to them, they'd throw away any kind of phone foreplay and immediately demand to have phone fun with him (which he does not do, by the way). Then there are those who'd sound nice at first but then would not stop sending sexually explicit sms the next day. Engel has raging hormones, but he prefers doing it live and not via sms, chat or through the phone. So most of the people he meets there were epic fails.

Then one weekend, he received a message from this guy named Jason. It was days prior to Engel's posting his number, so Jason immediately got his attention. The two immediately clicked. They thought they had alot of things in common. Jason was an honor student from UP, Engel was a Dean's Lister. Jason loves to write fictional love stories, Engel likes to write garbage. Jason came from a political family, while Engel's cousin is a Barangay Captain in one of the towns in his mother's province. Jason said he was good looking, while Engel said he's presentable. And Jason said he's in it to find a relationship, that's one thing they both agreed on. So when Jason asked Engel for his home number, without hesitations he replied with it.

Jason's sms's were impressive enough, but when Engel heard his voice over the phone, literally his heart melted. He not only sounded great on the phone, you'd actually hear his intelligence. He talks like Chiz Escudero minus all the bullcrap that comes out of his mouth and sounds like a very well modulated radio jock from Magic or RX. And guess what, like Engel, the boy is not interested in phone fun.

They'd talk on the phone for hours about nothing, and at one time they even both fell asleep while they're still with each other on the phone. Things were getting really great two days after they met that they decided to meet each other in person.

Jason made it quite clear that he goes for the really great looking people, so Engel knew his chances with him is kaput. Engel just got over his first heartbreak during the time he met this guy, so he thought he's not going to take things seriously, unless it's Jason who initiates. Anyway, before anything else, just to be clear, it doesn't mean that just because both boys did not feel the whole SOP thing, that they don't talk about sexual things. They do. And the reason that they actually wanted to meet was because Jason wanted to see Engel's straight porn collection.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when they finally saw each other for the first time. Engel's jaw literally dropped. The boy he met was not just a boy, he was Adonis. Great jaw, great height, big eyes, but it doesn't matter, he looks good. Yeah, Engel had no chance in hell to be this guy's beau. But no matter what, Engel thought, he's going to bed with Jason.

And they did. And apart from getting caught (that's another story), the deed was awesome. Engel, until now has not seen a wang as perfect as his. Engel was obsessed.

Obviously, Engel wasn't Jason's type so the deed was not repeated. Props to him though, as he didn't necessarily turn Engel down badly. The 'let's just be friends' card was played. Anyway the writer was obsessed. Engel knows the guy's full name. Even a year after their first meet up, when Engel changed numbers, he texted him again. Providing almost the same details only using a different name. It didn't bring as much spark as when they first texted each other, but the stalker was fine with that. Eventually because of the lack of spark, the interest died down immediately. Not wanting to give up, another year later, he gave it another try. The third time was the worst, nothing between them clicked.

Engel found him the other day while he was browsing through facebook. He's still a god. He even looks better now. Great tan. Even greater body (killer six pack). I think he's hooking up with women now, seeing the pictures posted. But then again, that could be just a front.

Jason's facebook profile is being contemplated whether to be added on his favorites list. But then again other people at home use his computer. He changed his number now, six or seven years later. So now the writer's thinking if he'd want to act like a loser that he used to be.

Nah. Engel's too awesome to stoop that low again.


  1. omg.

    stalker kung stalker!


  2. i was 20. heart broken. and stupid.

    i'm an adult now.

    no ore stalking!!! =P

  3. ang kuya engel.

    gawd, napangiti ako

    kasi nakita ko ang sarili ko nuon sa post na ito, kaso raised to the 4th power ang sakin..ahahaha

  4. there goes that "adult" word again...

    anyway, i decided to stop acting like an adult a long time ago so come on, share that facebook profile and let's do some STALKING!

    kidding, of course. ;)

  5. dom: past na yan. reformed nako. =) tsaka one time ko lang ginawa yun. sa kanya lang. =D

    ternie: wrong spelling lang. sorry naman.

    john: i'm not stalking, nataon lang na wala na akong magawa sa office noon. =P

    erick: do tell erick. do tell. =D

  6. Don't worry. We all go through that phase. :)

  7. C'mon, let me help you stalk him. Hahaha. Kidding. :P

  8. We are all stupid at one point of our life. That's where experience can help us, either a good one or a very bad one. It is the experience that we have to be thankful for, not to the person or situation that gave that experience.

  9. ah, stalking. those were the days. that's why i hated multiply and friendster before because they keep track of those people who viewed your profile.

  10. "Nah. Engel's too awesome to stoop that low again. "

    yes, he is. :D

    haha everyone cyber-stalks (although no one will admit it). it's really fun to do, especially when you're inebriated. haha

  11. citybuoy: yeah, cyberstalking is fun to do!!! =D

    maxwell: i think it's fine finding out who looks at your profile. it's kinda flattering to see people repeatedly coming back to the profile.

    rudeboy: i take it you're not a fan?

    galen: it seems so.
    xallternative: yup, experience is the best teacher.

    makmak: you have that jogger to stalk, right? =P

  12. @Engel: i meant the other way around, my profile is on their history page, hahaha.

  13. Cheers to no-more-stooping-down-to-the-lowest-level! We all had those worst days, Engel! :)

    Pero I wonder what's the cable tv thing you were talking about?

  14. goodboi: i've promised myself i will never stoop down to my lowest level ever again. =D

    maxwell: that's the downside of stalking. buti na lang wala ako tyaga mag-open ng mga profile ng mga tao sa friendster at multiply.

    WC: apir!!!

  15. its good to stoop to one's level sometimes, if he's worth it...

  16. haha grabe ka engel! I had a friend na ganyan din, kaso ang pinagka-iba is that they're not friends na kase it's too painful for him to see the guy to be happy in someone else's arms
