Sep 23, 2007


Haven't been blogging for quite awhile now... Not that I'm really busy... That's entirely not the case, although there have been a lot of things that's new with me...

I'm working during the day already... After 4 years of living a vampire's life, I found a job that requires me to work while the sun is still up, and finally get to sleep at night... Of course the pay of being a Supervisor is much better, I think it makes up by giving me a normal life... Been there for 3 weeks now... I don't know for how long I'll be staying there because honestly this is just a transitory job... Anyway, hopefully, I'll find something that's different and challenging and that pays well...

During my jobless days, I got hooked on this DVD copy of a British series, and I became an instant fan. TORCHWOOD and DR. WHO are my new favorite shows!!!

Let's start off with TORCHWOOD... It's a great show... Something like Buffy, combined with Quantum Leap and a little comedy every now and then... I think it's a funny film, althought the dry British humor kind of turns me off... But I LOVE the show!!! It's a very smart show... It's science-fiction, but not something that will turn you off... It's brilliant!!! And I actually think gay people will finally have a role model in Captain Jack Harkness...

DR. WHO is the show where Captain Jack Harkness was introduced, and I think this is the much better of the two... I think that this is one of the coolest shows on the planet and that local tv stations should air these shows... It's sexy, it's intelligent, it's funny and really really engaging... I love every episode, and I think it's one of the best. I hope US shows write stories like these... It's about the Doctor and his exploits with his Time Machine, and usually a hot British babe...

Finally, the reason why I'm writing today is to tell you that I finally have an XBOX 360!!! The fruit of my Backpay... And the sole reason why I'm broke nowadays... I'm finishing my first game... hopefully tonight I'll be able to finally beat the Boss of Gears Of War... Anyway, it's a cool game, and a great console (Xbox)... I just hope I have 2 controllers so I could play with other people...

So that's what's up with me... Maybe the next time I write to this blog again, I'd have something nice to come up with... I have this idea of writing about my opinions on stuff... But I have to put that down on a hard copy before I type away... I just hope I have enough time... Wish me luck

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