Dec 30, 2006


I would like my last post for the year to be positive, but the thing is I'm so stumped with work. The last few days especially, have been very very stressful. Thank God, there's someone that I can confide with these days. To YOU (although, you don't know about my blog yet)... thank you very much. I appreciate all of the things that you do for me.


The year definitely had it's bumps, but sometimes the smooth road is longer than the rocky ones, and to the people who were with me during the good times, and specially the BAD ones, THANK YOU! I may not be good at expressing my feelings, but I really really am thankful that you guys believe in me, and did not give up on me. I know I could be the biggest jerk there is in the world you still stuck with me. I owe all of you guys big time.
And I'm sorry if I wasn't able to give you all presents last Christmas.


This year I believe is one of the best Christmas I've had. I never felt more loved and appreciated than this year. I think that's the best thing about being a supervisor. Not that I'm abusing my position, but honestly, I'm overwhelmed. These kinds of gestures helps in affirming that I am doing my job right.


Of course, that's not the only reason why I loved this Christmas. I met someone. (Just look at my entry 100 if you're curious).


I don't know how 2007 can top this year. But there's a lot to look forward to next year. My career (both literally and figuratively) developments are just some of the things I would like to see flourish. Hopefully, all things will be positive for next year. For my program, our 3rd year anniversary is just a few months away and I can't wait to find out what we'll be doing to celebrate it. Oh yeah, I'm the one who'll decide on what to do then. OUTING!!!


"In a relationship" has a nice ring to it. Although we really aren't there yet, it's safe to assume that we'll get there.


And oh yeah, next year will mark my quarter of a century of existence in this planet. Oh the things that I can do.


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