Oct 1, 2006


In my entire life, I only had 5 cellphones... My phones live long lives with me... I cherish and take care of my phones like family... They all have sentimental value for me...

Nokia 3210: This was my first phone... The one I used all throughout college... At the time when I bought this, I was one of the coolest student in school... It's one of only a few phones with a composer in it... But the popularity was shortlived, as a few weeks later, something better came out from Nokia... There was a defect on my keypads with that phone, but since it was my first, I really didn't mind... As long as I get to text my friends and do whatever, I'm good with my phone... But then when my anxiety days came in during my fourth year, I got sick of the phone because the only textmate I had then was Smart's promos which was really irritating... I got rid of the phone 3 months before my graduation...

Nokia 3530: When I stared working in 2003 (2 weeks after I graduated... yabang), I felt I needed a phone again... No reason really, I just felt that my co-workers would like me to be their textmate (which I found out was not really the case)... I applied for a line with Globe, and this was the free phone that I got... It was filled with nude and animated photos and videos (stuff my team leader kept sending me)... I sold it to upgrade my phone to...

Nokia 3100: I still have this phone... I bought it from my co-worker in eTelecare... I liked it because it's casing glows in the dark... That's basically the reason why I bought that phone... Plus, the pictures are clearer... It's got this zoom option to see the pics better... Plus, you can attach a camera to it (which my cat destroyed less than a week after I bought it... that's like 5,000 bucks gone in less than a week)... This is my work phone...

Ericson K750i: My first hi-tech phone... 2 megapixels... 90-something memory... has some quality speakers... and some heartless prick just took it away from me... Damn! It took some time for me to get over losing this phone... Heck, I don't think I'm still over it til now... Oh Enchanted Kingdom, how I loathe thee... But that's the thing of the past now...

Ericson W810i: My new phone... Practically the same specs as my K750 one... Just a bigger memory... Two days old... A child of Milenyo... I had to borrow money to be able to purchase this one... I would've purchased the Cybershot phone, but due to budget restraints, I made do with this one... I'm going to give my love to this phone as much as I gave to my other phones... this time I'll make sure that no one would steal this phone from me...

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