Sep 26, 2006


Okay, I admit this is more of a guilty pleasure for me... As much as I would not like to admit to the public that I watch this show, I really do like it... It's because it's funny and it's not dragging... and it's got Katherine Heigl... She's hot!!!

Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy is still brilliant... Better than the first season? Definitely... It's longer... 28 episodes, each one outdoing the other...

The show follows up on what happened when Meredith found out that Dr. McDreamy is still married... It's a cool relationship what they had... Immoral... But cool... I'd like to be like that with my exes... It's not the type of show that would make you want to be a doctor, it actually does the opposite... But it's still cool... In what kind of hospital will you see doctors accepting a patient with a missile lodged in his chest... or instead of anaesthetics, uses pornography as a means to ease the pain, literally... Only in Seattle Grace Hospital...

This is far from my favorite television show, but it certainly one that makes me feel good after... I cannot relate to any character, but I certainly can sympathize with them...

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