Sep 21, 2006


It's 10:40pm and normally, I should be at home sleeping or watching cheesy filipino telenovelas or... well... sleeping... But today, I'm in the office not really working... I have to come in early so I could meet the Chairman and CEO of the company I'm working for...

If you could only see me now... I'm wearing a tie... My long sleeve's not folded... I look decent... I mean I should... but today, it's not normal, I feel like a distinguished gentleman... Which I'm not by the way... I'm more of a crazed lunatic, but then again that's what meeting the boss usually does...

Funny thing... I do not have a clue as to how to knot my necktie... I did back when I was in high school (this is embarassing as I graduated from a business school with a degree in Marketing)... So I'm almost late to work, and there was no prepared tie on my closet so I had to pick one that would complement what I was wearing... and no, I did not choose my condom designed tie... On my way to work, I had to practice making the knots on my tie... I thought I won't get it right... Was able to do it on my 35th try... The windsor knot... Ha!!!

I met him... The CEO of ICT Group... John was a nice man... We talked for about one minute... And then poof he's gone... At least he knows me now... Good thing my boss, Ms. Joh, she said nice things about me... Remind me to thank her later...

In any case, I came in 5 hours earlier to meet the CEO of my company for a minute... Yay!!! At least I'll be able to go home early today.

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