Sep 16, 2006


After going out last night, I realized that I have an old soul... I'm not sure, I rarely go out to bars to party, it's never been my thing... But when I went there last night, I really felt that I don't belong...
I guess it's the introvert in me... I have no idea why I cannot bring out the extrovert in me whenever I'm outside the four walls of the office... It's not that bad, but the thing is, other than work, I cannot find a topic to talk about with my co-workers outside the office... That is just so wrong...
Do not take this the wrong way, but I did enjoy my trip to Decades last night... God knows I deserve to have some fun sometimes!!! I get to jiggy a little bit (it's embarassing, you don't want to see that)... I know I have two left feet... But like I said, I feel that I don't belong to that kind of crowd...
And I'm only 24!!! Dancing with 19 year-olds are not that wrong... They're technically of legal age already, but to me, I'm finding it difficult to relate with them, intellectually... Like I said, I have an old soul...

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