Aug 15, 2006


Damn, my whole weekend was about sleeping... Counting Monday and Sunday, I slept a total of 15 hours... interrupted of course... but I snoozed like Sleeping Beauty (I'm thinking of the guy who slept for like 20 years, forgot his name though.. so sorry about the analogy)... Anyway, I have this MAJOR hangover right now... because of oversleeping and not being drunk... I've been sober for like a week now... Not as if I'm a drunk or anything like that... This is what I feel when I sleep for a long time...
So last weekend was sort of exciting for the program... We chose 2 new Team Leaders for the program... Well, they deserve it... We chose these 2 people because we feel that they will be effective on the floor, as well as we all know that these 2 reps are going to be really dedicated on their jobs... I wish the both of them good luck...
Oh yeah, kudos to my program, they've been performing the last 3 days... Looks like come payday, I'd be broke once more... Sigh...
YOu know one thing that I would really like to do, is update you about my lovelife... Unfortunately, there is none... It's getting me depressed, as we're already into the rainy season... And these days usually are the peak of my desire-to-be-loved phases... And no, the love of my parents are not counted!!!
Oh yeah, I saw the movie Story of Us this morning... And i hate to say it, but it almost made me cry... ALMOST... This is the reason why I don't like to watch chick flicks... It's slowly turning me into one... The bad thing about it is that I cannot relate... Why am I being so emotional on stupid things like that, when I don't even like anything about it... Fuck!!! But the movie is beautiful... It's so not cheesy... Maybe these films are my guide to becoming a better husband or boyfriend or whatever... Or maybe I should play a little more of Resident Evil or Silent Hill... I think I need to put more testosterone in my body every now and then...
Been lurking on other people's blogs, and I found this wonderfully funny site, . It was funny, and is intelligently written... If the guy ever decides to become the country's John Stewart, he would be popular... I do hope though that what he was writing was his original ideas, I would hate to think that those brilliant heckling are just plagiarized from other genius' minds... that would be disappointing.
Just want to tell you, I have this penultimate crush... It's never going to happen, as I know I would never have enough courage to muster the words to tell this person how I really feel... Don't really know why this just came up... Never heard from her for like years already... Why did the feelings suddenly come back?! Makes me feel like crap....