Jul 18, 2006


This movie Im not sure what to say... It's definitely better than the crapfest that was Superman Returns... I'm being harsh on that movie because it was really disappointing... Anyway, Im here to talk about Jack Sparrow and crew, on their second voyage to the silver screen...

I saw this movie last Saturday with a couple of friends (read my previous post to learn more...)... what can I say, I knew what to expect (thank you Lester Santos for giving away the ending)... someone prominent in the film was going to die... and it was just a taste of what's to come for the ending next year... but Im not going to talk about that... this blog entry here is about those damn pirates...

Im not sure what the timeline of this story falls on, but in the film, Will and Elizabeth were imprisoned for crimes of aiding a known pirate... So now to bargain for their freedom, Will must find Jack and get his magical(?) compass... You know the usual whereever Jack goes, trouble immediately follows... Apparently, Jack sold his soul to pirate Davey Jones, and the time finally came for him to pay up... Of course being the hero in the film, Jack wouldn't allow that to happen... So now, he must trek the vast oceans to find the Dead Man's Chest for whoever gets hold of what's inside it will have full control of the entire ocean...

I didn't think that the premise of this film could be summarized into that paragraph considering that the movie was too long... I didn't have a problem with the length of the story, it's just I feel that there have been some scenes that was placed there that don't necessarily advance the story... That's how I feel about it... But it was funny... I can tell you that... Johnny Depp was amazing here as he was on the first film... It's crazy... I love it... Critics say, he was the saving grace of the film... Actually that is true. I don't disagree with that statement... Some of the most memorable scenes in the film involved him... Too bad though he had to die in the end... Ooops... sorry for the spoiler... (Im just being bitter)...

Anyway the ending was a shocker... and it's something that makes you want to fast forward time to the same period next year to be able to watch part 3 of this film... and spider-man3... That would kick ass!!!

Rating 8.5/10

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