Jun 18, 2006


I know collecting comic books is a very expensive hobby... but my opinion is, that it is A VERY GOOD investment... This is not the type of merchandise that devaluates over time... On the contrary, the older your comic book is, the higher its value (of course you have to take care of it, silly!)... I've heard somewhere that this is the third best investment (next to land and then computer... I think)...

I don't see why people think that this is just kid's stuff... I don't believe the topic of rape, war, violence and gratuitous sex is something the kids would appreciate (although I doubt no one would enjoy these)... Anyway, comic books are not for kids anymore... the way stories are told have matured pretty much like their market... I guess it matured the moment Gwen Stacey got thrown off the bridge and died (for those not in the loop, Gwen is Spider-man's girlfriend who got killed by Green Goblin)... I buy comic books every week, and I have never seen anyone younger than 18 come in to purchase a title...

The reason Im writing this post is my mission to get new people to be interested in this kind of hobby... If you want to start, Marvel has this new event going on right now called Civil War... It's about heroes having to give up their civil liberties because of a law that requires them to give up their secret identities and register to work for the government... This results in the division in the superpeople of the Marvel Universe, as some of them thinks that it is a load of crap with no basis... I am not going to give up all of the spoilers in the saga, but I can tell you that this is one of THE BEST story I have ever read...

It's gotten a lot of media coverage lately because of one huge revelation on the second issue (the ending is great)... Great storytelling and even greater art... I bring this book to work, and piqued the interest of three of my colleagues... It's like a big budget summer movie that's big on action but does not forget about getting people to feel for it's characters...

This is not for those who have a tight budget... You'll have to buy a handful of titles to get a grasp of the whole story (as it crosses over almost all of the Marvel titles)... But even with that, you'd still get the idea: all of the heroes are at a war with each other... You just have to choose a side... their banner says it all: "Whose side are you on?"

It is an interesting and very entertaining read... For those who have money and don't know where to spend it on... This comic book is worth the 180php you'll pay for... and might be more, if you take good care of it...

1 comment:

  1. Hello there
    Yeah I'm also into this and I'm choosing Hulk's side whatever it is,probably smashing Iron Man's ass.hahaha
