Feb 13, 2006


One of my more luxurious hobbies of course is collecting comic books... Since I was a kid, i've always loved reading comic books... I remember my first comic book was Xmen 3 if im not mistaken it was the first appearance of Omega Red... although im not sure about the number, but its his first appearance... Anyway, right now im collecting about 10 books this month... just want to tell you about it.

ASTONISHING X-MEN this one is written by the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... I love the comedy, the intrigue, the action... its one of the brilliant titles ive read (at least the first 12 issues)... the team is back and thats what Im looking forward to be reading in a couple of weeks.

INCREDIBLE HULK its Planet Hulk... Marvel is doing a lot of hype around this title, and I read a lot of good reviews when issue 92 came out... so i picked up a copy so now im hooked... It reads like the movie Gladiator with Russel Crowe (and Im such a huge fan of that film)... I cant help it, I want to know how the jade giant will eventually kick ass when he comes back to planet earth

NEW AVENGERS Brian Michael Bendis may have a lot of haters in the comic community, but i love his work... it may seem decompressed at times but the stories are well worth it... he writes funny and effective lines which will either make you laugh or make you think... I love this title mainly because of Spider-woman. SHe is smoking HOT!!! drool alert.. but this title is nice...

INFINITE CRISIS I only read 2 titles from DC, and this is one of them... I got hooked with the company when I first read Identity Crisis a couple of years ago. Thats when I realized that this company knows how to write events comics... They make my wallet lighter, but the thing is, when you read Geoff Johns' lines, you'll feel that its all worth it.

JUSTICE the other DC title that i read... Its a mini series, but it comes out every other month. That is why I like it.. it lessens the burden of me buying a lot of titles every month. The story is intriguing, and the paintings are beautiful. Its about the Justice League and the Legion of Doom. An updated version of that one, but you know that someone will really get hurt this time.

ULTIMATES 2 Mark Millar's version of The Avengers in a different universe... It politically charged, but the action is really one of the most kick-ass titles that come out every other month. Its one hell of a roller coaster ride that does not seem to end... Its 3 issues away from ending, but all the intrigue, action and everything won't seem to slow down. Easily one of the best titles Im reading these days... Plus the art is so detailed, it doesn't look like a comic book. Its like you're watching a big budget summer movie.

XMEN DEADLY GENESIS This is the first time I read a title by Ed Brubaker... Its somewhat intriguing, and its a mini-series.. I like how he handles the characters (too bad one of my favorite mutants died)... The ending's been spoiled to me already, but I want to see where it goes...

SON OF M is about Quicksilver, the son of Magneto.. It seems that he was the one responsible in turning the whole world upside down during the HOuse of M miniseries... this title follows what happened after his sister stripped a lot of mutants, including him, of their powers... This series hints that he's going to be one of the main villainous players in the Marvel Universe, so Im following this til the end... yep, Pietro's an asshole!!! And Im loving it...

XMEN THE 198... err, i dont really know what the story is about... but it seems that this one follows the rest of the mutants who didnt lose their powers after the HOuse of M... They're using the X mansion as their refuge... but when you've got a place where all kinds of personalities come together, it seems that something not good will come out of it... I dont know what it is yet, but Im very interested to find out...

So thats my pull list as of this month...


  1. Coach Gil pahiram!!!! I'm trying to expand my horizons in drawing kasi. As you well know, I'm more into the anime/manga genre but I'm trying to learn Western anatomy. It's much more difficult! Masyadong detailed.Anyway, yun nga, may I borrow a copy (any title will do) that shows good examples of form. Yung merong buildings, landscape, fight scenes and movement. Promise, I will return it as soon as you demand for it! Samurai's honor!:D

  2. See this site. Maybe you want to visit this Comic Website

  3. Here is the site .. thanks
